How To Free Up Space In Mac?


How To Free Up Space In Mac
How To Free Up Space In Mac?

Managing storage on your Mac can often be a challenge, especially if you regularly deal with large files or numerous applications. Knowing how to free up space in Mac can significantly improve your system's performance and extend its lifespan. Here are some effective strategies to clear up storage and keep your Mac running smoothly.

Use the Built-in Storage Management Tool

macOS provides a built-in storage management tool that helps identify and manage large files, unused apps, and other data that can be removed or optimized. To access this tool:

  • Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner.
  • Select "About This Mac."
  • Go to the "Storage" tab and click "Manage."

This tool provides recommendations for optimizing your storage, such as storing files in iCloud, optimizing storage, and emptying the trash automatically.

Delete Unnecessary Files

Regularly clearing out unnecessary files is crucial. Start by checking the Downloads folder, which often accumulates large files and installers that are no longer needed. Also, look through your Documents, Movies, and other folders for files that can be deleted or moved to an external drive.

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Uninstall Unused Applications

Unused applications can take up significant space. To uninstall apps you no longer use:

  • Open "Finder."
  • Go to the "Applications" folder.
  • Drag the unwanted applications to the Trash.
  • Empty the Trash to free up space.

Alternatively, use a third-party uninstaller app that ensures all associated files are removed.

Clear Cache Files

Cache files can accumulate over time and consume valuable space. To clear cache files:

  • Open "Finder."
  • Press Command + Shift + G to open the "Go to Folder" window.
  • Type ~/Library/Caches and press Enter.

Delete the contents of the folders, but avoid deleting the folders themselves.

Be cautious, as some cache files are necessary for your applications to run efficiently.

How To Free Up Space In Mac
How To Free Up Space In Mac?

Manage Large Files

Identifying and managing large files can free up a substantial amount of space. Use the Finder to search for large files:

  • Open "Finder."
  • Click on the "File" menu and select "Find."
  • In the search window, click on the "Kind" dropdown and select "Other."
  • Choose "File Size" from the list and set a size parameter to find large files.
  • Review these files and decide whether to delete, compress, or move them to an external drive.

Optimize Storage with iCloud

Storing files in iCloud is an effective way to free up local storage. Enable iCloud optimization by following these steps:

  1. Open "System Preferences."
  2. Click on "Apple ID" and select "iCloud."
  3. Check the box next to "Optimize Mac Storage."

This setting stores your files in iCloud, and only recent files and optimized versions remain on your Mac.

Empty the Trash Regularly

The Trash folder can hold onto files indefinitely, taking up space. Make it a habit to empty the Trash regularly:

  • Right-click on the Trash icon in the Dock.
  • Select "Empty Trash."
  • You can also set your Mac to empty the Trash automatically:

  1. Open "Finder."
  2. Go to "Preferences."

Under the "Advanced" tab, check "Remove items from the Trash after 30 days."

Use Third-Party Cleaning Apps

Several third-party applications can help clean up your Mac by removing junk files, duplicates, and more. Some popular options include Clean My Mac X, Daisy Disk, and CCleaner. These tools provide a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing your Mac's storage.


Knowing How To Free Up Space In Mac is essential for maintaining its performance and longevity. By regularly managing your files, uninstalling unused applications, clearing cache, and utilizing tools like iCloud and third-party cleaning apps, you can keep your Mac running efficiently and avoid storage-related issues. Make these practices a regular part of your Mac maintenance routine to ensure you always have enough space for your essential tasks.